
ripple effect

親愛的朋友們,我在荷蘭的學習已進入第二個月,一切都會漸漸就緒,步上軌道吧......另外也把這幾年來陪伴我工作的這張版畫/海報,輕輕靠在桌前......很開心,因讀到bell hooks所寫的,發現有些事情對應上了,有些道理愈來愈明了......

"...Packaged as a commodity, spirituality becomes no different from an exercise program. While it may leave the consumer feeling better about his or her life, its power to enhance our communion with ourselves and others in a sustained way is inhibited...A commitment to a spiritual life requires us to do more than read a good book or go on a restful retreat. It requires conscious pratice, a willingness to unite the way we think with the way we act." --bell hooks, all about love

